Transferring from M State

Transferring from M State

如果你正在考虑从亚洲博彩平台排名转到四年制学院或大学, 顺便拜访一下你的学术顾问,确保你能顺利转入你所选择的学院或大学.

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传输指南 - When and what you should be doing:

0-24学分: Meet with your academic advisor to discuss your transfer plan. Browse college websites and explore major options.

能力学分: Visit prospective colleges and look into transfer scholarships.

30 - 45学分: Review degree audit (DARS) and see your academic advisor.

45+ Credits or no later than your final semester:

  • Send application to the college or university you plan to attend.
  • Apply for financial aid.
  • Apply for graduation from M State by completing the 毕业 Application.
  • Send final transcript to the college or university you plan to attend.
  • 如果你在转学学院或大学完成了你的M州立学位, you will want to get registered for your courses. Once you are registered, 你要确保这些课程能满足你的学位要求. We suggest you verify this through Transferology and by talking with your M State advisor.


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How does the college decide what credits transfer?

最重要的是 thing you should know is that the receiving college or university decides which credits transfer and whether those credits meet its degree requirements.

  • Within the 明尼苏达州 Colleges and Universities (MnSCU) system - 在亚洲博彩平台排名达到明尼苏达转学课程(MnTC)目标的课程将在MnSCU机构达到相同的目标.
  • Colleges and universities outside of the MnSCU system - 在亚洲博彩平台排名,一门课程可以达到MnTC的目标,但可能被认为与接收机构的课程相同,也可能不被认为是相同的. 发送和接收机构的认证都可以影响学分的转移, but it is not the only factor in determining transfer of credits. 机构接受他们提供的课程和项目的学分. 他们寻找课程目标、内容和水平的相似之处:“喜欢”转化为“喜欢”." 的 name of a course is not sufficient to determine equivalency. Not everything that transfers counts toward graduation. 学士学位课程通常分为三类:通识教育, major/minor courses and prerequisites/electives. 关键的问题是,“你的学分是否符合你选择的学位或项目的要求??"

因为所有的学院和大学都是独一无二的,他们接受课程和其他类型的大学学分(CLEP)的方式各不相同, AP, IB, international credits, 等.), it is important to talk to an M State academic advisor, consult college catalogs and websites, and talk to advisors at the four-year institution.

AA degree, AS degree, AAS degree - What makes these degrees different?

确保学生顺利从亚洲博彩平台排名转到四年制学院或大学, it is important to understand the types of degrees offered at M State:

  • Associate of Arts (AA) degree: 文科副学士(AA)学位是为转学而设计的,在学生可以转学到的各种学院和可以选择的各种专业方面提供了灵活性. AA学位要求完成MnTC,这使其更具可转学性. Completion of the MnTC includes a minimum of 40 credits from the MnTC, 满足10个MnTC目标领域的具体要求,并至少达到2个.0 GPA within the MnTC. 这些要求将符合其他MnSCU机构的通识教育要求. Several public and private colleges also honor the AA degree. 一些四年制专业要求特定的通识教育课程,称为专业预科要求. 注意:课程要求可能因专业和转学学院而异, 所以和亚洲博彩平台排名的学术顾问以及转学学院或大学的相关人员谈谈是很重要的.

对于尚未决定专业和对四年制学位感兴趣的学生, the AA degree is a good program to follow until deciding.

  • Associate of 美术 (AFA) degree: 美术副学士学位(AFA)的目的是将其全部转移到相关的美术学士学位课程. An AFA degree requires a minimum of 24-30 credits of MnTC courses.
  • Associate of Science (AS) degree: 的 Associate of Science (AS) degree is intended to prepare students for immediate employment; however, 学生可以转到与亚洲博彩平台排名有合作关系的学院完成学士学位 articulation agreements. 的 AS degree requires a minimum of 30 credits of MnTC courses. 完成学士学位可能需要额外的MnTC课程, 特别是如果学生转学到没有衔接协议的学院或大学.
  • Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree: 应用科学副学士(AAS)学位主要是为学生直接就业做准备. 攻读AAS学位并对转学感兴趣的学生,强烈建议与亚洲博彩平台排名的学术顾问交谈,因为转学选择更有限. 学生可以转到与亚洲博彩平台排名有合作关系的学院完成学士学位 articulation agreements.的 AAS degree requires a minimum of 15 credits of MnTC courses. 对于转学的学生,通常需要额外的MnTC课程来完成学士学位, 尤其是那些没有衔接协议的学院或大学.

I am an AS or AAS degree student; what are my transfer options?

AS至少有30个MnTC学分,AAS学位至少有15个MnTC学分. All MnTC courses will transfer to a four-year college or university. Investigate if your particular program has any articulation agreements. 这些协议保证接受部分或全部AS或AAS学分. 否则, 如果你转学到没有衔接协议的学院或大学, technical courses are reviewed on a class-by-class basis. 通常, 如果没有衔接协议,技术学分不能转移到四年制学院或大学, although some may be transferable as elective credits, depending on your declared major.


是的, 但我们鼓励学生完成他们的M州立学位,因为这可能会导致更顺利的转学过程. Students can actually transfer 回来 从另一所学院或大学获得学分来完成他们的M州立学位. 以下步骤将有助于确保顺利完成学位要求:

  • 当你还是亚洲博彩平台排名的学生时,和学术顾问谈谈你的计划.
  • Upon leaving M State, enroll in courses at your transfer institution. 指 Transferology 核实你所注册的课程是否符合你的M州立学位的要求,并与你的M州立顾问交谈.
  • When you have completed all courses needed for your M State degree, 要求从转学机构寄到亚洲博彩平台排名的正式成绩单. 如果你就读的学校是明尼苏达州立大学系统的一部分,你可以使用 eTranscript Request Form.
  • Apply for graduation at M State by completing the 毕业 Application.

Check out the Transfer Credits Back to Complete Degree checklist, 位于下面的, which details the steps you should take.